You should dress for success
Put on your suit and your tie
Or your heels and your skirt
Then reach for the sky
That’s all we have to do, right?
Put on our best attire?
Then up and up we go
Until the day that we retire
We all wish it was that easy
But success is something else
We can aim for the stars
But can’t do it by ourselves
We need someone to push us
We may not like to be pushed but
Without a little push and shove
Then push comes to shove, then what?
You should stop right here
Before you can continue to read through
You have to define what success means
While standing on your own two
When you are done reflecting
You can follow your own dreams
Just know that as much as you climb
Success is not what it seems
If you think it’s just about you
Success encompasses a lot more
How many people have you inspired?
Or helped pull up from the floor?
How much money you acquire
Really doesn’t mean a thing
If instead of being selfless
You’d rather go and buy some bling
Surround yourself with the right people
Keep your inner circle tight
Because if one snake exists
There will be a venomous bite
Go ahead and impact the world
That would be magnificent
In getting and gaining you become successful
But only in serving do you become significant
otherwise noted, All content © Brittney Pressley, 2012